Our Services

IET services are each aligned and developed to grow your business. You might have one area to improve,or multiple. We’ll work with you to locate the key elements causing stress and holding your company back from real prosperity and stability.

Organizing Board

The vital functions of your organization, charted for perfect production flow

This chart encompasses the vital functions all organizations must have in order to not only function, but to expand. An organization with any of these functions missing or poorly organized will to that degree be crippled and not function or expand correctly. This board also provides the organization with the proper flows for its products so they are produced with high quality and move through the organization in a timely manner to be exchanged with its customers.

Communications System

Everything in your company travels on lines, make sure they are rock solid and flow properly

Most business owners and executives know how important communication is in a business. But beyond just having a communication system, it is vital that system operates smoothly with no stops or slows. We ensure not only that a communication system is properly in place, but that the organization has a way to detect and remedy any stops or slows in its communication system that could jam production and expansion.

Statistics and Graphs

A measurable system to track success and expansion or lack of it

Statistics are indicators, good or bad, of whether or not an organization is expanding or contracting. We often find organizations having some form of measuring their production in the way of statistics but are limited to only a few statistics of the organization as a whole and are lacking statistics for each of its departments and even more importantly, its individual employees. This can cause executives to “second guess” what is going on in their organization and miss the mark on who and what is truly causing their expansion or worse, their contraction.

Sales & Marketing

By understanding your customers’ needs and developing a product and offer that solves those needs, you’ll grow any business.

A key to your success is your sales and marketing systems. There is no doubt today that your online, or digital marketing, is vital. And your salespeople and processes must be good. We have the experience, the resources and training programs to help you establish a winning sales and marketing division that will not only create a winning brand but generate the sales for long-term growth. Talk to us today about a marketing program, sales team building or both!

Executive Leadership

The most important function in the organization is an exact skill

Executive leadership has become a lost art. Professionals are well taught the skills of their profession but schools and universities today lack programs that teach the professional how to manage his employees and his business. This winds up with overworked executives and frustrated employees. It is one thing to be able to perform a technical or professional skill, it is quite another to get others to do the work you require of them. Lacking training in this area can lead an executive to believe “they just haven’t got it” or even “they just have bad employees.” No, this skill can be taught and we provide training for both executives and staff so that the organization works together as a team.

Human Resources

Know exactly who to hire and how to handle staff to get production and prosperity

How do you hire the right people and let go of the wrong ones? This point is often the make-break point in your success. Companies can go through great expense searching for the right employees and training them, only to find out the person wasn’t really suited for the job, or their personality created conflicts. Many companies face uncertainty when it comes to firing a destructive person. We have tools and training to stabilize your hiring and firing processes.

Our Skills

Our approach is holistic. We delve deep and look from the inside out and outside in. Our one-on-one evaluation is followed by a detailed program to pinpoint and address specific strengths and weaknesses in both your business operation and executive area. Where you may have waste, we identify it and develop creative ways to reduce internal costs. Basically, we dig to find the real situation and then outline the exact steps to steer your company back on course to where you want to go.

Online Marketing

No practice or business today can compete without an active marketing program. Well-planned and executed marketing will make you and your company overwhelmingly popular and create widespread demand for your products and services. IET works with you to do the necessary research about your clients and services to tailor an efficient and viable plan. This plan will result in a program to reach new patients or clients you aren’t currently attracting and keep your current clients coming for more. Your customized marketing strategy may also include website design, search engine optimization (SEO) and many types of relatively inexpensive internet marketing solutions. IET makes sure you are capitalizing on all the marketing tools available.


Our specially designed lectures and workshops focus on real-world solutions in areas such as: personnel management; time management; sales and marketing skills; financial planning; interpersonal communication; goal and objective attainment; and office organization.

Business Academy Courses

IET offers a series of self-paced management courses that combine a unique balance of business “theory” with practical “doing.” These courses are available in marketing, sales, public relations, effective leadership, financial planning and other areas.

Communication & People Management Skills Workshops

Success in business and life depends on the ability to communicate and deal effectively with others. These very popular IET workshops provide the practical know-how to assist business professionals to interact more effectively with clients, co-workers and others.