Emotions – Managing them in the Workplace

Emotions – Managing them in the Workplace

Emotions, both good and bad, play a vital role in the success of any company. When a business owner can manage the emotions of his employees, clients, and prospects, he is much more in control of his company. But how does one learn to manage all of these emotions? It starts with understanding the basics of emotions in the first place.

What are Emotions?

We have all seen the typical emotions of enthusiasm, happiness, anger, fear, grief, and so on. We know of them and see them all the time. But let us look at emotions as an expression of affinity or lack of it.


“A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something.” Oxford Dictionary

For example, a friend greets you enthusiastically. He is expressing a high affinity for you. But let us say you greet someone in a friendly manner, and they tell you to “Get lost!” Here there is a lack of affinity. So, we see that there are degrees of affinity involved with emotions.

Managing Emotions in the Workplace

Managing emotions in life and business can sometimes seem like walking a tightrope. Make just one slight error, and you are falling off balance into danger. Take a hiring interview, for example. You interview the person, and during the interview, they are pleasant. However, after you hire them, their true colors come through. You find them to be challenging in the office environment. Where did you go wrong in the interview? Or maybe you have observed a bad partnership. Two people who have the same goals go into business. They start as friends but somewhere down the road they end up as enemies. What happened? Either one did not know how to estimate the emotions of the person.

Emotions in the Workplace Video

Being a business consultant for the last 36 years, I have seen many examples of business owners getting tripped up by misjudging both employees and associates. For this reason, I produced a film called Emotions in the Workplace. The film is based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. It goes into detail about what emotions are and gives you a scale of emotions to guide you. By understanding this scale, you can better predict your employees, associates, and employee applicants. It can save you a great deal of hardship trying to steer your way through the pitfalls and traps of the business world. You can watch a short clip of the film here:

Personality Questionnaire

Another fantastic tool we offer our clients is the Personality Questionnaire. It is a 200-question questionnaire that gives you a personality profile of the person who fills out the form. We graph the results on a graph like this:

This graph gives you better insight into your employees.

Business Consulting

Even when you have a better understanding of emotions, it can sometimes be challenging to navigate through the rough waters of running a business. Today, any company could benefit from an external review of their organization, staff efficiency, production, and marketing strategy. IET delivers a wide range of business consulting solutions:

  • Online marketing
  • Hiring efficiency
  • Executive training
  • Business coaching
  • Long-term and short-term planning
  • Training workshops for executives and employees

Final Words

Starting a new business isn’t easy, especially during COVID-19. Add to that; many businesses fail within the first year. For this reason, my passion is helping companies not only survive but thrive! And I like to help people achieve their goals and dreams. For more information about IET or our services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Rohn Walker
International Executive Technology

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