Why Use Testing When Hiring?

Why Use Testing When Hiring?

At International Executive Technology business consulting firm, we highly recommend using testing when hiring. Hiring new employees can be a costly business. For starters, if you advertise, there are advertising fees. Then you invest your time in reviewing resumes and job interviews. And no matter how much experience someone lists on their resume, you still must train them for their job in your company. Add into that the cost of employee compensation and Health Care Benefits. Here are some statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • Wages and Salaries, Compensation Costs, and Health Care benefits for employees are all on the rise for 2021. 
  • Private industry employer costs for employee compensation range from $32.78 per hour to $40.93 per hour.
  • In 2020 there was 57% of employee turnover, up from 45% the previous year.

So, you hire a new employee with high hopes that you have selected the right one – that they will stick around, and your hiring and training investment will pay off and help your company grow. However, the statistics above tell you that you have only a 43% chance that the person you just hired is the right one. So, how do you take the guesswork out of the hiring process?

Tools to Use When Hiring

You wouldn’t expect a plumber to show up to fix your kitchen sink without tools, right? Well, the same is true for any job. You must have and use tools to hire employees. You are going to have hit or miss results if you do not use any tools. At International Executive Technology, we provide our clients with hiring tools to aid them in the hiring process. One of the most crucial tools is testing.

Types of Tests

We have three tests we provide our clients to help guide the hiring process.

Aptitude tests measure an applicant’s ability to learn a new skill. It tells you how well someone receives and duplicates instructions. 

Personality tests measure characteristics such as attitudes, emotional adjustment, interests, interpersonal relations, and motivation. 

IQ tests measure a person’s reasoning and problem-solving abilities. They analyze visual, mathematical, and language proficiency as well as memory and information processing speed.

These tests are not intended to be discriminatory. They are to help you decide if an applicant is suitable for the job or not. They can also help you know which type of job an applicant is best suited to perform. For example, someone may score well on their personality test but only fair on their IQ and Aptitude test. This person may be great on a receptionist job where their personality shines through in greeting customers or clients. On the other hand, with a mediocre IQ and Aptitude score, they would be a liability learning a new job involving high-risk machinery.

Use the Tests to Guide You When Hiring

Use these tests to guide you in the hiring process. Don’t expect these test scores to decide for you if you should hire someone or not. We recommend you have an applicant do the tests and send in their resume before a hiring interview. This way, you have more data before you go into the hiring interview. The hiring interview is also crucial in helping you make your decision. But I’ll discuss the hiring interview in another blog.


The testing tools exist to help you be successful in hiring employees to expand your business. If you are not using these tools in your hiring process, I encourage you to start doing so. If you need assistance in getting your employee applicants tested, please feel free to contact us.

Wishing you the best,

Rohn Walker